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Let's make our community a better place!
The OAA Nutrition Program needs more resources to keep up with rising operational costs and the expanding needs of the growing senior population. One in three Meals on Wheels programs currently have a waitlist, with older adults waiting an average of three months for vital meals. At a time when 10 million seniors report worrying about having enough food, this is unacceptable.
The OAA is the only federally supported program dedicated to the nutritional and social needs of adults age 60 and older. It serves as the foundation for the nationwide network of 5,000 community-based senior nutrition programs. By increasing funding for the OAA Nutrition Program, Congress can provide a lifeline for millions of seniors.
Click on the link below for more crucial information on the Meals On Wheels program. https://thehill.com/opinion/congress-blog/4419805-senior-hunger-takes-no-holiday-congress-must-invest-more-in-older-americans-act-nutrition-program/